Thursday, January 23, 2014

Books: A Glass of Blessings. Novel by Barbara Pym

I read this novel because it was recommended by Adichie, the Nigerian novelist and author of "Americanah". I can see why she was interested given Nigeria's anti-gay laws.

This is the type of British fiction where you come across sentences like this: "I was glad to be alone in my room, with the view over the garden, well polished mahogany furniture, pink sheets and towels, and  a tablet of rose-geranium soap in the washbasin" or like this: "He is the kind of person who ought to have a steady unearned income." There is a Jane Austin feel to it and the whole plot revolves around a mysterious Mr. Darcy type of character who disturbs the church going and charitable tea party routine of the heroine, a young rich bored Londoner. The great twist here is that Mr. Darcy is gay. A delightful reading. A very subtle novel about sexuality and homosexuality without these topics ever being mentioned or touched explicitly - a 70s novel...

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